Huxley uses symbolism throughout the novel to help the reader understand how the social and political issues happening in the United States during the 1920’s and 30’s relate very similarly to the issues …show more content…
Huxley uses “Ford” in Brave New
World as a God-like figure to symbolize how Henry Ford was the “creator” of this evil world.
Many times throughout the passage Lanina, Bernard, and many others say “Oh Ford”(pg. 81) as if Henry Ford is the god that they worship. The reader soon makes religious connections to their god, when they would use God in a sentence or thought, Huxley uses “Ford”. Later on in the passage we get the full explanation behind “Ford”. The controller explains “There used to be something called God-before the Nine Years’ War”(pg.157). The savage doesn't understand why there is no longer a God and the controller says “They’re old, They’re about God hundreds of
Adcock 2 years ago”(pg.158). The controllers of the new world do not allow the people to learn about anything in history, even God, because it is not needed in modern society, so Ford is all the people know. Huxley demonstrates that God is being abandoned in the 1920’s and 30’s in the
United States, by using “Ford” to demonstrate that people are turning to more earthly things and having less reliance on god. Another way Huxley uses symbolism in Brave New World …show more content…
Several instances in the novel characters take soma to relieve stress and help them to not think moral thoughts. Lanina had a day of “queerness and horror” so she “swallowed six half- gramme tablets of soma” and “it would be eighteen hours” before she woke(pg.95).
Another instance is John the Savage mother who “was dying” by “the soma in her blood”(pg.136). Also the government uses soma on rebellious people such as John the savage when he was at Park Lane hospital with his mom and he rebelled and tried to get others to be
“free” they called the cops and “pumped thick clouds of soma vapour into the air” to stop the rebellion. Huxley uses soma to symbolize moral and cultural decay as well as brainwashing in the 1920’s and 30’s in America. Alcohol and Cigarettes were very popular in this time period and the people felt as if it was the cool thing to do, soma is the same way in the novel.
Another rhetorical strategy used by Huxley throughout the novel are allusions. Many shakespeare quotes and references are used by huxley, mainly through the character John the savage. The title Brave New world comes from shakespeare's play The Tempest where a girl named Miranda is stranded on an island with her father, they are eventually rescued by a ship