Raandi Schmidt/ Kelly Mitchel
Nursing Assistant (31733)
Snapchat Article This article was focused around the use of Snapchat in care facilities and some of the instances that were give were taking pictures or videos and posting them. Some of the things shared were photos or videos of some of the residents were completely naked or only partially naked. In 2012 only 35 of these were reported, some of which did lead to criminal charges. There were a few of the instances given in this article. One of the examples was a rehab center in Washington, where a video was posted of a resident sitting on a bedside commode with their pants below their knees, with two nursing assistants in the background laughing and singing. Another instance was a nursing assistant in Illinois took a video of an elderly women with Dementia, that was being slapped in the face with a nylon strap while the women was crying and saying “No! No!”. One more was a nursing assistant posted on Facebook of them tugging at the back of a resident’s head pulling her hair, while they were insulting her. There are a lot of other instances, these are the ones that stuck with me the most. A lot of care …show more content…
Two that stuck with me and were related to the article I read were abuse and negligence. Abuse is when you purposely try to inflict pain or harm someone. Negligence is when you are in a situation and don’t respond or react like a reasonable person would. In the article Two kinds of abuse were shown, physical and emotional abuse. Physical abuse was being used when the nursing assistants were hitting the elderly women with a nylon strap and when they were pulling on the back of the resident’s head. In all of the instances that were talked about in the article emotional abuse was present in some shape or form. Whether it was laughing at the residents or saying rude or mean things to