Smoking And Health Promotion

Great Essays
Health promotion- Smoking
Less than 1 in 5 adults currently smoke cigarettes. National Statistics (2017) suggests this equates to an estimated 9.4 million UK adult smokers. Consequently, individuals who smoke will experience many physical and mental health problems which ultimately affects the NHS. The topic smoking has been chosen for this health promotion essay because it is a complex issue across the UK, as it is the cause of many deaths, which is an approachable issue that could be prevented with education and support. The essay will explore the social determinants of health that may influence smoking and will explain how the role of the nurse can help smoking cessation. The role of the nurse is a crucial aspect of health promotion, as
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Statistics from NHS Digital (2014) illustrates that around 22% of 16-24 year olds smoked. Smoking at a young age can consequently lead to symptoms of addiction, in as little as weeks or days after occasional smoking first begins. Particularly in the younger generation, peer pressure can allude to make an individual start smoking because they feel pressure to fit in with society and feel this is the norm. Similarly, Benjamin (2012) suggests that peer group influences emerge as powerful motivators of behaviour change. Living in an environment where people smoke, could make people’s perceptions change into thinking that smoking is usual or acceptable behaviour. Lack of parental support can be an issue in the use of tobacco, because if most people in the family smoke this is going to influence a young person in following the same patterns of behaviour, especially if they admire and look up to their parents. Wilkinson et al (2008) suggests that having a parent who smokes or smoked is a strong consistent predictor of smoking initiation among their children. The study Wilkinson et al (2008) conducted suggests how parental smoking affects a child’s attitudes and behaviour and evidently identifies that children whose parents both smoke had a 2.2 times increased risk of …show more content…
Nurses are often expected by the public to know how to help everyone therefore, it is important that nurses are given the relevant and appropriate training to succeed in their role. NICE (2013) guidelines suggest that nurses should have the relevant and up to date training on NHS stop smoking services. This ensures they are suitable to give advice to patients about smoking cessation. Nurses have specialist skills and knowledge to encourage and empower individuals to make lifestyles changes. Chatzimarkakis (2010) defines that empowering patients means enabling them to make good use of their available knowledge by providing tools, techniques, and support. Empowerment is a vital skill nurses should use because it will encourage the individual to take charge of their own health and will give them a sense of self- worth. The nurse should also acquire good listening skills as they are an important part of effective communication. As described by Paris (2013) listening is the most important part of communication because you will be able to understand the message that is being expressed to you which ensures that you can give an appropriate

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