First, in order for kids’ brain and their social abilities to develop normally, parents and caregivers should monitor the child’s screen time. Children under two years old must not be allowed to contact with the smartphones under any circumstances. Furthermore, children over two years should not spend more than two hours a day on using smartphones. This timeline is also applied to adolescents and teenagers. There are many ways that parents can decrease the amount of screen time among their kids, such as setting their own rules, keeping the smartphones out of the bedroom or in the meal, and switching off the phone when not in use. Second, in order to avoid smartphones from affecting children’s health and causing addiction, parents should encourage the kids to join outdoor activities. Playing sports and participating in physical activities such as biking, jogging, or walking are some useful outdoor activities that help kids explore the world around them. A study indicates that babies and toddlers learn best when they directly touch and see materials through their naked eyes, not the objects they see on the screen (“In This Issue” 740). Therefore, they need to spend time outside to explore concepts in three dimensions to stimulate their cognitive and imaginative function. However, parents should not …show more content…
First, the schools need to forbid the students from using smartphones in class. Clearly, smartphones can bring about the distraction to young students, so they cannot concentrate completely on the lessons. As a result, it can impede their learning process. Second, teachers should spend more time teaching basic skills for children because mobile technology cannot replace these skills. A kid needs to learn how to read and write, which is critical to a child’s success in school and his future life. Also, teachers should promote students’ critical thinking in order to help their brains become more active when they approach problems in lives. Lastly, if schools want to apply mobile technology to education, they need to instruct the students carefully. Clearly, smartphones have huge educational potential; therefore, educators take advantage of this technology to bring into pedagogy. There are many applications based on smartphones that help the teaching and learning process become more efficient at school. For instance, the "StraightAce Learning" application is a digital learning system for middle school students. It focuses on Mathematics and English concepts, which help students prepare for high school and beyond (Rivero 10). However, children should only be allowed to use smartphones in schools for educational purposes. Misusing this smart device can lead to