From what I gather, the opportunity consist of profits and pushing agendas, while the concerns raise issues of false pretenses or lack of variety. Medoff and Kaye indicate, only a few voices are heard and the range of information, viewpoints, and opinion is limited through vertical integration (2011, p.69). The federal government has sought to maintain diversity in broadcasting keeping as many voices and viewpoints on the air as possible, yet more difficult to maintain as more cable and online content competes with newspapers and broadcast stations (Business and Ownership, 2011, p.189). The federal government traditionally encouraged diversity of opinion and ownership and discouraged the formation of monopolies, but since the 1970’s, the government has relaxed electronic media regulation thus permitting the market place to decide how electronic media should function in the U.S. society (Business and Ownership, 2011, p.191). Presently, there are no ownership limits on the size of cable MSO’s noted Medoff and Kaye (2011, p.191).…