Deep breathing is one of the singing breathing exercises that are highly recommended by all music teachers and experts. Stand with your feet hip width apart and practice deep breathing. If you feel tense in any part of your body, focus on that area and imagine releasing the tension with each breath. You may wonder why anyone would feel tense while practicing singing but remember, in a professional singing environment …show more content…
Consequently, your stomach should not be sucked in or protruding out while doing these breathing exercises. Work consciously on breathing in such a way that you feel air being retained in your diaphragm and lungs while keeping your stomach relaxed. If your voice sounds tired and cracked while singing, it means that you haven't exercised properly. By the time you hit the end note on the scale, your voice should be clear and loud. If this does not happen, the lungs haven't been able to sustain air while exercising. One way to ensure that your lungs are receiving air is by deep breathing while lying on a flat surface. If you feel a vibration when you place your fingertips below your diaphragm, you are breathing in the right manner. Your music instructor will be able to help you with specific breathing warm up exercises suited to your singing