Rome and the. U.S. have a lot of similarities, one similarity is that Ancient Rome spent to much money. Rome was not getting enough money then they were spending. Another similarity that the U.S. an Ancient Rome had was that the Roman armies where one of the best in Europe, they conquered all of Western Europe. The U.S. is the number one army in the world. Finally the last similarity is that Ancient Rome invented a water system first of its kind called the aqueducts. The aqueducts was a brilliant invention, it used the Mountains water supply and used the angle of the mountain to move the water to all the people in Rome. We have the same thing just more advanced, we use pressure of the pipes to move the water. Like the Romans we use pipes to direct the water. …show more content…
have many similarities but the country’s have a lot of differences to. One difference is that Ancient Rome conquered to much. But in the U.S. we do not attempt to attack other countries unless they did something to are country or one of are allies got attacked. Rome conquered to much and did not have enough people wanting to defend the the country, also they conquered to much. The U.S. does not expand their country so they can defend it. Rome and U.S. have very different ways of defending their country. Rome has people all day on there wall to watch and wait. U.S. is different because we have people on are border but they have shifts and they do not have to be there 24/7 every