When there is a variety people, whether they’re real or fictional, living in different circumstances will cause their attitudes or interpretations of life to differ. No two people see things the same way which means they are going to be affected differently. In the books The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Into the Wild, these differences in attitude are expressed through the actions of the characters and the results of those actions. Having different outlooks on life affects the actions of people and their common sense in different ways.
One positive character in The Adventures of Huck Finn is the protagonist, Huck. Even though he isn’t living the ideal life, it doesn’t have an effect on his attitude …show more content…
He has a very positive outlook on life even though he is in the worst position someone could be in in the 1800’s; a slave. He believed that one day he would be reunited with his family again, and that’s what got him through the day. He also believes in treating others kindly, even though it isn’t returned most of the time. Jim’s positivity effects him in a positive way. He believes in people, and that there was a way from him to be happy in life. He sought this happiness in freedom, so he ran away and escaped slavery. Unlike Huck, running away was a suitable decision for Jim. He was already a slave, so he really had nothing to lose. “Well, you see, it 'uz dis way. Ole missus—dat 's Miss Watson—she pecks on me all de time, en treats me poorty rough, but she awluz said she wouldn ' sell me down to Orleans. But I noticed dey wuz a nigger trader roun ' de place considable lately, en I begin to git oneasy” (Twain, 54). Jim, like most slaves, was tired of being treated like an object that could be sold and traded, and instead wanted to be treated like the person he was. His positive attitude helped him build up the courage to leave because he believed that there were good opportunities waiting for him in freedom. Because of how he was living, Jim easily could’ve had a very negative attitude, but he always looked on the brighter side and kept his head up, which proved to work out well for him because of his escape. In both of these character’s cases, (Huck and Jim), their positivity caused them to follow their guts, which for them meant running away trying to find a new life and new adventures. They knew that their current living situations couldn’t bring them joy, but believed that there were ways for them to be happy. But it wouldn’t come easily, they had to go find