The Silk Road has intentionally and unintentionally transformed civilizations. Document two states that “caravans of traders carried silk, tea, and pottery westward.... Religious practices like Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity spread from the Silk Road. In the city markets, traders from the East and West helped spread traditions, art and culture. Inventions such as gunpowder, paper, and the magnetic compass also gain popularity along the Silk Road.” This means the intentional change of civilizations caused by the Silk Road was the trade of products throughout countries along the Silk Road. The unintentional change caused by the Silk Road was the spread of religion, cultures and ideas, like how Buddhism was introduced in China through the Silk Road and it became the country’s biggest religion. That is why the Silk Road …show more content…
They killed a large part of the Native American population.” This means the transport of goods between Europe, Africa and America allowed products that were never before seen in their continents. This is how trade changed their civilizations intentionally. This trade changed them unintentionally by bringing diseases killing many of the Native Americans. That is why Columbian Exchange intentionally and unintentionally transformed