Daniel Rasmussen’s book, American Uprising, is the untold story of the slave rebellions, and how the view of American society during this time shifted from prosperity to greed and turmoil. Slavery was a big part in the success of Louisiana’s German Coast where slaves accounted for more “75 percent of the total population”. Sugar was the cash crop that yielded high profits for plantation owners. Plantation owners justified the use of African slaves to work in the field because they can withstand the harsh environment of the German Coast. Rasmussen shares the uprising of the slave rebellion through two perspectives: African slaves and slave driver.…
Eric Foner’s “A Short History of Reconstruction” is an updated, abridged edition of “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution.” This book redefines how the Reconstruction Era is viewed, in ways historians have not done before. Foner chronologically starts with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 to validate his statement that “Reconstruction was not only a specific time period, but also the beginning of an extended historical process: the adjustment of American society to the end of slavery.” Starting his novel with this allows him to stress “the Proclamation’s importance in uniting…grass-roots black activity and the newly empowered national state” and state that this period is the beginning of “the adjustment of American society to…
The American Civil War was very misunderstood in that no one really knows the exact reason of why the war started. In Apostles of Disunion, Dew discusses topics such as slavery, racism, economics and state rights to push his point of view on the audience of why the war and secession began. Charles B. Dew wrote this book to inform the audience the secession came from not just the factor of state rights during the time between 1860 and 1861. Because Dew was a Southerner himself, he writes the book off of self-knowledge, experience others, and facts including people and their perspectives on the cause. The most common claim when it came to The Civil War’s cause is it beginning due to slavery and racism in the south; however Dew argues that the…
The essay, “Long-Legged Yankee Lies” was a surprising essay – not what I expected to read after reading James M. McPherson’s other works. The focus of this essay was to thoroughly explain one of the main interpretations of the Civil War – the “South’s Lost Cause.” The Lost Cause, as the Southerners perceived themselves after the Civil War, is explained in that the South was incredibly outnumbered by the North in both men and resources. The South perceived themselves as righteous men who fought for state’s rights, freedoms granted by the Constitution that cannot legally be infringed upon by the government, and the approval of the people with actions taken against them by their government.…
The Importance of the Civil War The Civil War in 50 Objects, by Henry Holzer and the New-York Historical Society, is a collection of fifty primary sources, varying in type and format. Each of these objects is accompanied by a description of the source, as well as a story which establishes the source in the proper context in history. Through the sources Holzer shows the importance of the Civil War, especially for the people who lived through it. The Civil War transformed the United States in many ways, bringing lasting change to our nation, and establishing the war as important to everyone in the country, even up to today.…
The Civil War was a devastating war that wiped out much of America’s population. The book written by James M. McPherson, What They Fought For 1861-1865, describes the views of the soldiers that fought in the war. McPherson uses letters left behind written by different civil war soldiers to portray a more round view of actions that took place on the battlegrounds. McPherson’s thesis does not present from both sides of the war what the soldiers, volunteers and enlisted men, of the Civil War had to faced, how they dealt with their emotions and experiences, the bond made between comrades, and how it affect their overall psychological, physical, and mental well-being of each combatant. This book contains diary entries from Union soldiers that were from the northern states.…
Chandra Manning’s “What this Cruel War was over” poses the question of what the Civil War was fought over. She then introduces the argument that the war was undeniably over slavery. Using the letters, diaries and newspapers of soldiers who lived and fought during the civil war Manning explains the ways in which slavery and race relations influences the men who volunteered and fought in the civil war. Manning begins her book with three quotations that back up her argument.…
A Review of Sick From Freedom Jim Downs, notable historian who researches the civil war and reconstruction’s effect on slaves is the author of the fascinating book Sick From Freedom. The Civil War is infamous for how disease claimed lives of more soldiers than military combat. In his book Downs exemplifies that disease and sickness actually had a more devastating effect on emancipated slaves than on soldiers. Downs encourages readers to look beyond military casualties and consider the public health crisis that faced emancipated slaves in the years following the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Estimates show that at least a fourth of the four million former slaves got sick or died between 1863 and 1870, including at least 60,000 who perished in a smallpox epidemic that began in Washington and Spread throughout the south.…
New Spirits: Americans in the “Gilded Age”, 1865-1905 written by Rebecca Edwards explores and brings new light into one of the most significant eras in the history of the United States. The central point of New Spirits is to provide readers with a new outlook on what made the “Gilded Age” gilded and dismisses stereotypes that readers may have previously established about the era. Edward’s explores how the United States became a modern industrial nation after the harrowing aftermath of the Civil War. Edward’s also examines the multicultural aspects of the “Gilded Age” and how immigration was booming during the era. The time also brought older ideas back to light such as, sex and marriage, education, leisure, consumption, and even duty, honor, and the nature of truth itself.…
In Virginia, during the time of the revolutionary war, the social unrest of slaves was a prominent issue for all. It created chaos, and hope which can create a deadly outcome, especially in a time of war. In this journal the author informs us of the slaves struggle for freedom, and makes clear that even though there was a lack of resistance to slavery it did not mean it was not boiling under the surface.…
A Review of Camp's Closer to Freedom: Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the Plantation South Stephanie M. H. Camp's Closer to Freedom: Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the Plantation South is a book whose central theme is premised on the idea of slavery. The book takes an approach that explains the relationship between masters and slaves as one that was guided by the use of different geographical spaces for both parties. Therefore, the author presents a scenario that introduces the concept of 'black spaces' and 'white spaces' that are antagonistic. The book goes a step further to examine the role that such geographical spaces played in the emancipation process. Camp takes the position that holds the idea that slaves' actions…
Introduction The American civil started purely as a military effort with limited political objectives especially for the white community. By early 1861 white citizen’s main aim of the fight was to preserve the union and as well maintain a democratic republic. The north fought for reunification whereas the south fought for independence during the initial stages of the civil war. However, the war changed between 1862 and 1863 as a result of emancipation.…
Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2001 Thesis: Blight argues that in terms of the American Civil War memory "romance triumphed over reality, (and) sentimental remembrance won over ideological memory (5)" Themes: One of the first themes that appears is rituals and symbolism. Parades, statues, and speeches all came about as a way to remember the war for both sides and for both the black and white race.…
The second chapter explores slavery and the transition from a mostly African-born slave to population, to a mostly American-born population, during the colonial period (late 1600s until about 1770). At the beginning of this time period, most slaves were imported and not born on American soil. After their forced immigration, these slaves underwent a process called ‘seasoning,’ or training, where they were “broken in” and made to realize that slavery would be their identity for the rest of their lives. As time went on,…
Introduction The American Civil war occurred during the years 1861 – 1865, and as stated in the article titled “The Civil War”, it “was the cauldron that created modern America. The war preserved the Union, ending the possibility of the American nation dividing into two or more separate countries, in the process altering the nations politics and government, creating a strong presidency and an increasingly important federal infrastructure” (Finkelman sec. 1) However, the American Civil War did not come without coast, as wars never do, an estimated 620,000 men lost their lives in the line of duty. One of the many, yet major causes of this war, came about through slavery; and the standpoint that the northern states took, wanting to abolish slavery,…