In any case, teens brains aren’t fully developed. Scientists have found that the part of the brain that guides impulse control and weights risk versus reward is not fully mature in teenagers (Schwartz 9). As a result teens make atrocious decisions and the outcome is charging these juvenile as adults. According to Erika the front cortex is continuing to develop, and if you don’t have the neural structure in place, the adolescent cannot really think things through at the same level as an adult (Packard 1). Even though teens might commit the same crimes as adults. Their brain structures are different from adults. This cause teens to act seemingly without thinking.
Secondly, teens have a chance of …show more content…
These prisons are geographically isolated, it is extremely difficult for juvenile prisoners to maintain relationship with people back home. These youths are exposed to a harsh, lifeless physical environment, and high rates of violence(Hager 2). This can cause the juvenile offenders to get a lot of stress and it won’t help them become a better person. It might even make matters worse. James Stewart, a 17 year old was drunk driving and slammed into another driver. The district attorney charged him as adult. Left alone in his cell, he tighten the bedsheet around his neck and took his own life.(Schwartz 8). Sometimes teens feel to overwhelmed from being treated a an adult and then they decide to take their own