Huckleberry Finn is taught as a young child to view the negro kind as lowered standard by society’s influence. Society’s views the negroes being less of a …show more content…
The book is too offense to be discuss in a public environment such as schools because of the usage of the N word and it’s shaming against colored people. Students and teachers could both be uncomfortable about discussing about it’s history the word could bring into the classroom, but the negative energy drawn from the word could be use as a power tool. Nora Wise, a teacher interview by CNN, says; “It makes sense in this novel to teach it with the controversy. It makes sense to bring up all of the hard emotions. They come with it. It's not just a classic book. It's not just the way the words are written, it's the ideas," Another topic which is mistaken is the relationship between Huck and Jim. Two scholars has claim the relationship between Huck and Jim is not family-like, but a homosexual relationship of a young boy and adult male. Everybody could strongly disagree with that claim when later on it is chang into being like an adopted father and adopted son. Society has changed its view towards the book and the usage of the word as it’s being said throughout many medias, celebrities, etc. A word which holds a dark history is used within the culture in a disguised spelling, censoring the word won’t stop from the truth and reality. The word has a use to the novel, and censoring the word will lose the effect young adults …show more content…
The use of the N word could be controversial to people who feel offended and uncomfortable but the power within the word could be transfer into a learning tool rather than an insult. Huck was taught to view the negro kind as lowered standard by society’s influence but Huck has learned white men and black men aren’t different from each other within the heart. Huck and Jim’s friendship is a symbol of today’s society of interracial friendship and acceptance of one to another. Schools should be able to continue to read “the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” because of it’s powerful messages and learning tools which could be discuss be brought up and discussed at school in a comfortable