Why Should Huckleberry Finn Not Be Banned

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The Banning of Huckleberry Finn

Imagine reading a classic American novel, having to endure the word “nigger” 219 times in a 366 page book? Does this affect you? How do you feel about the occurrence of this word? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain uses this word to describe the black people of the south. Should this be reason to ban the book from schools all over the country? Banning this novel would be a detriment to, the education of American school children, the acquisition of a large part of American history, and learning a lesson in the respect of other races and how words can be hurtful. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is monumental in the education of an era of American history, in racial ignorance and tolerance and in how a simple word can define a culture thus should not be banned.

Getting rid of the novel which
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Mark Twain uses this word hundreds of times in his book to reference Jim and many other African-American characters. Many African-American school children have felt hurt and offended while reading this book. These feelings led to the parents of these kids storming into courts and superintendent's offices to have this book banned from the curriculum. Parents thought this would help protect their children, however, it actually negatively impacts their kids educationally by limiting their understanding and significance of the historical meaning of the word, and the possible ramifications of ignoring this word. From the beginning of the book, Twain had a plan when using the word “nigger”. His intention was not to offend anyone, especially children reading his book but rather to teach lessons in an era of American history, in racial ignorance and tolerance and in how a simple word can define a culture thus, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be banned in

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