Sherman was a harsh General from what some people say. In Document B, the author, John F. Marsalek, states in line 58,” if Sherman did not commit these crimes personally, he nevertheless created the climate in which they took place.” From my understanding this means that Sherman obviously didn’t commit these “crimes” personally. It was war and when it’s war you gotta do what you gotta do. To some extent I believe that he was just a cover up for someone who was instructing him to do this “war crime”, because a lot of higher ranking people probably didn't want to blamed for their misdoings.
Sacrifices are a big part of War, but in this case properties were destroyed but lives were not sacrificed in “Sherman’s March to the Sea”. In Document B the author’s title …show more content…
This exactly was Sherman, and I bet everyone, was feeling after 4 years of fighting. In Document C the author states in lines 2 and 3, “... the only way the people in Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride.” In case you didn’t know what perpetuated means it’s when something is everlasting or never changing. So, by knowing this you can infer that Sherman wanted to just end the war, like most people at this time. And by feeling this way he felt that the best way to end the war quickly is by taking over Atlanta and then from there destroying everything. I admit I don’t agree with him destroying everything, but by doing this he did in the war and the confederate and the union were