The ocean is the home of the sharks and all the other marine animals. We are intruding the sharks’ territory and we don’t have the right to go to their environment and annihilate them. The ocean is the habitat for all the marine animals and THAT includes sharks. How would you feel if a stranger points a gun at you in your front door?
These sharks have done nothing wrong and they have been decimated just for being sharks. They attack considering we are in their home and we wouldn’t just let any stranger in our house now …show more content…
There are devices, for instance Shark-Shields to counteract shark attacks without harming them. Such devices are a lot more efficient than culling since it keeps us guarded from shark attacks and also doesn’t harm them in any way. This device supports conservation of sharks by removing the need for culling and other pernicious actions against them. The Australian government invested $6.35 million for the culling program, all this money could be used for devices like Shark Shields, nets and other effective equipment. What is the need of culling when there are other solutions to this