Over the past fifty or so years people have become more accepting of the aspects of human sexuality. Our culture has become more open of both women and men showing sexuality. One way this is seen with women's fashion. Girls at the age of twelve are showing off more and more skin, …show more content…
I know this because it is seen in my own life. One example would be that my grandma could not have a boyfriend until she was about 17 and my parents allowed me to have a boyfriend when I was 14. This example ties into the rate of teen pregnancy before marriage increasing. An unplanned teen pregnancy will change many people lives adding a lot of emotional stress. Teen pregnancy is a cultural issue because we have 15-year-old kids that can barely take care of themselves caring for another human being. Many children that were born from an unplanned pregnancy of a teenage mother grow up with not receiving all of the right needs. These children may not get the right schooling or education, do not have the necessary food, and may become apart of some violence because the parents are still going through schooling and will not be home much. Along with an unexpected pregnancy in a teen, more abortions will be made. Yes, it is the mother's decision, but others may harass the mother for the rest of her life because of this one decision she decided to