Think about what it takes for the youtube video to be good. For me, it’s the quality and edit of the videos. That is what I am focusing on for my senior project, how to edit videos. I have little to no knowledge on how to video edit. I will be learning the basic skills on how to make good videos,. wWhy Youtube is so popular and my new appreciation for editors.
One of the main reasons why Youtube is so popular is because of how the viewers can give feedback. According to my source it makes it more interesting for the viewers. Anyone can view videos with or without an account but can’t comment or like. Also, it tends to remind people of social media since they can comment and like. Social media is used for many reasons, but one is to communicate with people. With Youtube you can meet and communicate with a lot of different people. Social media is a really big part of our culture and our everyday lives. It’s easy to communicate and share with people. …show more content…
I have noticed that I am very interested in learning what techniques to use. For my Digital Media class we made videos and I found myself really enjoying it. I noticed I would put a lot of effort and time into them. It’s special to me because I love to entertain people. I really take pleasure in making videos and editing them. I find myself being able to do that for hours. When I first started looking at Youtube videos, I was so interested in how the edits really made a difference. I would look at videos that the quality wasn’t good or the edits were done poorly. I would find myself making suggestions on how to make the edits better, or how the film process could have been