This network was a division of people who didn’t support slavery, as well as some who did, which ultimetley caused the division. This didn’t occur in Seneca Falls, but instead in Waterloo and Wellman believes that it drew people from outside of Seneca Falls into the issue, and that is why it was an influencer. However, an event in waterloo created a breakout in religious bonds, and after the Quaker group that called themselves “friends” formed. The group “friends” is important to Wellman’s argument because they are the group who linked there issues to women’s rights. Overall, the main reason why Wellman includes them in the network is because the Quakers had a huge impact on the movement. They were one of the largest groups to sign the Seneca Falls Declaration of sediments. Without them, it would probably not have been
This network was a division of people who didn’t support slavery, as well as some who did, which ultimetley caused the division. This didn’t occur in Seneca Falls, but instead in Waterloo and Wellman believes that it drew people from outside of Seneca Falls into the issue, and that is why it was an influencer. However, an event in waterloo created a breakout in religious bonds, and after the Quaker group that called themselves “friends” formed. The group “friends” is important to Wellman’s argument because they are the group who linked there issues to women’s rights. Overall, the main reason why Wellman includes them in the network is because the Quakers had a huge impact on the movement. They were one of the largest groups to sign the Seneca Falls Declaration of sediments. Without them, it would probably not have been