In the beginning, it is obvious to Miss Gruwell that teaching the students would be a challenge, considering that they self-segregate and practically refuse to cooperate. Evidence of this occurs on one of the first days of school, when a fight breaks out between students, and Gruwell calls for outside help to break it up. Even after the students reluctantly return to school after playing truant, they still do not respect Miss Gruwell and view her as an outsider who does not understand their plight. Furthermore, the students are painfully aware that the school officers believe they are merely a bunch of degenerates who will never amount to anything in life. This, coupled with the district superiors’ refusal to support Miss Gruwell’s teaching system, is rather unacceptable to the general public in the movie. In fact, the public would still find teachers who treat students as such inferior lowlifes as undesirable in schools. The only person who believed in the students was Miss Gruwell, and because of her encouraging, the students were motivated to find their own path in life and become successful in their
In the beginning, it is obvious to Miss Gruwell that teaching the students would be a challenge, considering that they self-segregate and practically refuse to cooperate. Evidence of this occurs on one of the first days of school, when a fight breaks out between students, and Gruwell calls for outside help to break it up. Even after the students reluctantly return to school after playing truant, they still do not respect Miss Gruwell and view her as an outsider who does not understand their plight. Furthermore, the students are painfully aware that the school officers believe they are merely a bunch of degenerates who will never amount to anything in life. This, coupled with the district superiors’ refusal to support Miss Gruwell’s teaching system, is rather unacceptable to the general public in the movie. In fact, the public would still find teachers who treat students as such inferior lowlifes as undesirable in schools. The only person who believed in the students was Miss Gruwell, and because of her encouraging, the students were motivated to find their own path in life and become successful in their