It is not natural for orcas or dolphins to spend their days performing tricks in front of crowds, or to have humans ride on them. I have been to dolphin shows at the Georgia Aquarium and the tricks that the dolphins perform are not things that dolphins would do in the wild (ethos). It is not natural for penguins to be carted around as live exhibits. The shows that the animals are put through cause them stress, for example Tilikum developed stomach ulcers from his time performing at Sea land. Orcas at SeaWorld have chronic sunburn from lying too close to the surface for too long, and their sunburns are covered with black paint. Sometimes food is withheld from animals as a
It is not natural for orcas or dolphins to spend their days performing tricks in front of crowds, or to have humans ride on them. I have been to dolphin shows at the Georgia Aquarium and the tricks that the dolphins perform are not things that dolphins would do in the wild (ethos). It is not natural for penguins to be carted around as live exhibits. The shows that the animals are put through cause them stress, for example Tilikum developed stomach ulcers from his time performing at Sea land. Orcas at SeaWorld have chronic sunburn from lying too close to the surface for too long, and their sunburns are covered with black paint. Sometimes food is withheld from animals as a