Seaworld Research Paper

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Imagine being in a average size room for the rest of your life trapped. That is what the whales at SeaWorld experience every day, most since they were born. SeaWorld has been a huge hit since it had opened their orca exhibit, and started doing their orca shows. Thousands of people travel every month to come out to see their killer whales in action. “Last year (2013), 24 million people visited its 11 parks nationwide, bringing in $1.4 billion,” (Tasneem). Even though people love watching the whales do their cool tricks, SeaWorld has decided that it will be ending soon. The whales will stop being bred, and trained and live out the rest of their lives there as happy as they can. Some people are upset about it ending, as others are happy. Even though it is sad to see the shows go everyone should be happy about it. Whales deserve to be out in the ocean where they belong. Although having SeaWorld have captured orcas there, it has helped us understand whales a little bit …show more content…
Tilikum is one of the biggest whales they have in all three of the SeaWorld’s aquarium in America. “He is around 12,500 pounds,” (Tasneem). Tilikum is best known for his bent fin, his size, performances, and his killings. Tilikum has killed three people over the past couple years. Out of the three, there were two trainers and one homeless man. He caused the death of his trainer, Dawn Brancheau. Brancheau's ponytail got caught in Tilikum's mouth and he dragged her into the pool and eventually drowned her. In 1991, 20-year-old trainer Keltie Byrne died when she fell into a pool with Tilikum and two other killer whales at Sealand of the Pacific in Victoria. They tossed her about until she drowned. And in 1999, a homeless man was found dead, draped over Tilikum's back, after breaking into his pool after hours, ("What to do about a killer

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