Seaworld Research Paper

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We love seeing animals. Whether it’s at the zoo, an aquarium, the circus, wherever it may be, we love seeing animals we don’t get to see in person in everyday life. But do you really know what goes on behind closed doors at any of those places? While places like zoos may seem like they’re fun and the animals “look” happy, they’re really not. Animals kept in zoos are more likely to become depressed and become extremely unhappy. Other attractions like SeaWorld are famous for their orca whales. Appearances can be deceiving. While it may seem like their orcas are content, they are often times despondent. Circuses are notorious for having wild animals such as elephants, lions, and tigers. But most people don’t think about how badly they’re mistreated. …show more content…
Attractions such as SeaWorld, are famous for their orcas. Trainers and employees at SeaWorld, love seeing the reactions on parents and kids faces when their orcas perform tricks or watch their jaw drop at even the sight of an orca. But if you have ever visited SeaWorld, or if you haven’t, do you ever wonder how these massive killer whales ended up in captivity in the first place? How they take care of them? How they train them? Well, “SeaWorld was battered by the 2013, scathingly critical documentary, “Blackfish,” accusing the company of multiple violations and animal abuse”(Goodale). In 1983, SeaWorld captured their most famous orca, Tilikum, who was just a baby when he was stolen from his family and home out in the open ocean. Little did the baby orca know, that he would be going to SeaWorld, where he would spend the rest of his life in a glass aquarium and perform tricks for thousands of people. As time passed, Tilikum became extremely aggressive and acted that way towards his trainers. In the wild, orcas are never known to be aggressive towards humans if they encounter one. In fact, orcas are known to be gentle giants and there’s no evidence of them ever harming any human while in the wild. So why would they harm people in captivity? Because whales are not meant for that kind of life. They’re meant to be free and in the wild, not kept in a small glass tank performing tricks for people. If we wouldn’t want that life for ourselves, I’m sure they wouldn’t want that

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