Killer whales have been the topic of discussion when it comes to whether or not they are violent. There have been some headlines about trainers getting killed by killer whales at SeaWorld. So far there are trainers that have died because the whale has become uncontrollable. In 2010 “The whale approached the glass side of the 35-foot-deep tank ... jumped up and grabbed the trainer by the waist, shaking her so violently that her shoe came off” (Couwels & Todd). The murderous whale’s name was Tilikum and he has injured and killed three of his trainers.
Animals that are caught and brought back to SeaWorld theme parks such as orcas. Although “SeaWorld holds 22 orcas in its three parks in the United States. At least forty-eight orcas have died at SeaWorld” (The Fate of Captive Orcas). Most of the orcas have died of infections and diseases like Pneumonia, Fungal infections, and liver problems. The …show more content…
It has been recorded that “All captive adult male orcas have collapsed dorsal fins, likely because they have no space in which to swim freely and are fed an unnatural diet of thawed dead fish” (8 Reasons Orcas Don’t Belong at SeaWorld). The dead fish that are being fed to the animals is unsanitary and can cause health problems. As for the issue on the spaciousness of the tank as said by Fred Felleman, a marine consultant “Keeping the social animals in what amounts to isolation is bound to cause problems” (Couwels & Todd). The orca’s freedom is being suppressed when confined to a small area where they can’t