During this phase is when the company has now made all the changes and the employees now feel comfortable with the new changes and strategies. When a company does not believe in the new strategies, then that could cause failure with the new changes. The key to change is to make sure that they are adopted smoothly within the company. Challenges are always going to arise when changes are happening within a company. It is important for the company, as a whole, to understand that there will be issues with any change and they have to be ready to conquer those challenges. It is important for Sea Treasures management to recognize every goal that is reached by the employees and to reward those goals correctly. By doing this, it will keep employees more motivated and encourage the change process even …show more content…
The company as to remember that the most important part is to make sure the employees understand how important the changes are. The success of the initial change will determine the reception of the long-term change process (Anderson, 2010). This means that the short term plays a huge role on the outcome of the long term changes. Sea Treasure has to change the way they sale their products and the whole company will have to understand the new strategies to be able to do this. One of the new strategies the company will be using is changing over to new technology that they have not used before. This strategy will mean that the employees will have to be trained on these new skills. The managers will have to be trained as well but on more advance information for the technology because they will have to be the subject matter experts when issues arise. With this new technology comes new cost for the company to handle and they have to be ready for that. The company has to be ready for that change as well and not be afraid to take a small lost as first. After the short term changes are complete it is time for the company to transition to their long term