Scientific Method Reflection

Improved Essays
The scientific method is a procedure that is used by scientists now and in the past, dating back to the seventeenth century. The scientific method consists of observation, measurement, and experiment, and the creation and testing of hypotheses. There are several steps and different components to the scientific method that will (hopefully) answer the scientists’ questions, by the completion of the experiment.

There are countless different reasons as to why a scientist would use the scientific method, but one area of research that is focused on is, biology. Biologists seek to find the answers to further and better understand the processes that occur in living systems. The first step to the scientific method is to ask a question. Then do research on that question and see what is already
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But this class changed that. I learned so much and my eyes were open to so many new things. I loved that I was able to take what I had learned in class and be able to apply it in lab and have hands on experiences with the subject we were learning about. This class will benefit me in the near future because this class taught me that I am a hands on learner. I am able to understand topics more thoroughly and learn better if I am able to do it and see it myself. So this class not only has benefitted me in the future for the rest of my classes, but specifically my science courses. Not only has this lab positively affected me in the rest of my college career, but in the long term as well. It has shone another light on life and given me a new perspective of how I look at things. I now understand life and all of its forms at the microscopic level. Because I am majoring in Occupational Therapy and planning on becoming an Occupational Therapist, this class has helped me to understand the roots of life and will help me understand roots of issues I will need to help people solve in the

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