Kailic Kotter
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I’d like to thank my parents for helping me through my tough project. Every time I wanted to quit they keep pushing me forward. If not for them I would never have finished this project on time or at all. Another thanks to my siblings that wanted so eagerly to help me out on my science project. every time i said hey, I need some help they came running to help whether i would be in gigantic boot that weren't theirs or flip-flops that freezing cold. Also a thanks to my science teacher that gave me this opportunity to chose a science project and also for being the most patient teacher in the world, I didn’t …show more content…
Is it 0°, 35°, 45°,65°, 90°. First you need to understand what a projectile is, a projectile is an object which the only force that is affecting it is gravity. If the projectile did not have gravity pulling it down then the bullet would go on forever. The answer to the research question is the 45° angle because it had the sweet spot ratio of air-time to horizontal …show more content…
Gravity is the reason that we stay on this earth. It pulls us to the earth. Why? Anything with mass has gravity the earth has such a great mass that it pulls us towards it. What does gravity affect? Gravity affects everything physical in the object's gravitational field.
What is horizontal motion? horizontal motion is the motion of object that is going in a horizontal line. Though gravity affect many things it does not affect the horizontal motion of an projectile.
What is a vertical motion? Vertical motion is the motion that a projectile is traveling up or down. Unlike horizontal motion gravity does have an effect on vertical motion. Gravity slowly pulls the projectile down to the earth which alters the vertical motion of a projectile. But gravity does not change its effect on the vertical motion. If you drop an object from 5 feet it will travel the same vertical distance than if you shoot the object at 100mph.
What is inertia? inertia is a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. it is mostly isaac newton's first two laws of motion.
What is sir isaac newton's first two laws? sir isaac newton’s first two laws