I am applying for this scholarship because it will greatly assist me in purchasing needed resources for college. I am a first generation college student, as well as non-traditional. I attempted going to college a few times when I was younger but truth be told I wasn’t ready so I dropped out. I guess I had to learn the hard way that getting an education was both beneficial and necessary in order to get ahead in life. I am at wits end with entry-level jobs. At this point in my life, I am ready for a fulfilling career. I desire nothing more than a respectable vocation with my own office because I want to not only work independently but I want to be respected. My current field is Protective Services. In short, I work as a security officer and it isn’t very rewarding. When I was younger it was sustainable but now that I am older it is not so fulfilling.
I transferred from Atlanta Technical College to Georgia Perimeter College because I wanted a degree in journalism and I wanted to take advantage of the TAG program (Transfer Admission Guarantee). After I graduate from Georgia Perimeter, I am going to enroll in Georgia State University and get a master’s degree in Communication. I am taking six courses this fall because I want to expedite the process. Initially, I only took two classes …show more content…
I am in need of a new laptop so I would purchase one immediately. In addition, I would find a good math tutor and pay them to tutor me in College Algebra since math is my weakest subject. Majority of the classes I take at GPC are online because of my hectic work schedule. But when I take classes on campus, I attend the Decatur campus. Choosing GPC was the best decision I have made in a long time. It has been very rewarding. I have met a host of wonderful people. Staff and students combined. The campuses are always nice and clean and the resources are