Prejudice In Schindler's List

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Stereotypes are described as a belief abut individuals based on group membership. Prejudice is feelings (typically negative) about individuals based on group membership. Discrimination is behaviors directed toward individuals as a result of their group membership. In Schindler’s List the whole movie shows patterns of these concepts. An example of stereotype was a scene in which a Jewish man thanked Schindler for giving him a job and making him a valuable worker. As the man left, Schindler asked Stern, a man who ran the factory, what the Jewish man’s use is. This could be considered prejudice because Schindler has the idea that Jews are useless. That is his preexisting belief of Jewish individuals. An example of prejudice was how the Nazi’s …show more content…
In the middle of everyone this man was shot execution style in the head. This is a violent act of discrimination toward the Jewish culture as this man was doing his best to be a humble worker and he was killed fit it. The three processes of Prejudice are, Individual Differences, Ingroup/Outgroup Processes, and Self Processes. Individual differences include the Authoritarian Personality which is when a person values power and dominance, is intolerant of others who are different. Amon Goeth was a person who used his authoritarian personality to do the worst to people. He was an SS officer and gad the reputation as a god manager for his ability to slaughter Jews without a giving it a second thought. He would shoot Jews from his balcony for any reason, or even no reason at all. Another example of individual differences is the Social Dominance Orientation. This is when individuals see their in-group as dominant and show consistent favoritism. They are also very likely to dehumanize the members of an …show more content…
Attractiveness would be seen as how does helping this person benefit you. It could also be how attractive is the person who needs help. An example of this would be if an old women dropped her groceries and you didn't help, but then a beautiful women dropped her groceries and you jumped to help her. This is an example of attractiveness because it depended on whether or not the women was attractive for the individual to decide and help. Similarity has effect on if we help others as well. We tend to help others who are similar to us. This can be in race, religion, gender, economic background., anything that allows us to identify with the victim. This may be because of a bias we have to feel inclined towards others who are like us. It may feel better to help a person who is like you, because then it doesn't feel like they are as much of a stranger. A last characteristics of others that effects if we help or not is the relationship between the attacker and the victim. It depends on if it looks like a true threat that effects if we help. If it looks like a couple who is in an argument or a women and a random man, we would be more likely to help the women when it seems like a random man is attacking her. There is a scene in the movie when Goeth first arrives at his villa. He knew he would need a maid to basically be

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