2. 1 Samuel 28:3-25; “Saul’s summoning of Samuel’s ghost” (NOAB,425). Saul witnessed the size of the Philistines army which caused Saul to be fearful of losing the war. He tried to reach out to God for advice but received no response. Then Saul decided to summon the ghost of Samuel through a medium to ask for advice on how to defeat this enormous army.
3. 2 Samuel 7:1-29; “God’s covenant with the house of David” (NOAB, 409). God speaks to Nathan the prophet so he can relay his message to King David. The message contains a promise of an eternal dynasty of King David and the construction of a temple.
4. 2 Samuel 12:1-15; “Nathan’s parable of the ewe lamb”. (NOAB, 461). After Nathan told King David of the parable, King David became very angry and said this evil man should be put to death. Then Nathan told him that this evil man was the reflection of himself who took away from the people. A true King must care for the poor, rich and the overall wellbeing of the people.
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2 Samuel 14:1-22; “The story the Woman of Tekoa tells to David” (NOAB, 464). Joab missed her son so she sent a woman who lived in Tekoa to visit King David. While she was in front of David, she lied to the King by saying her husband had passed away leaving her with two sons whom fought constantly. In one of these fights, one son killed the other. The people wanted her to turn in her only son because of this. She was asking the King for help in saving her only son. King David accepted to help her but he wanted to hear the truth, which she did. Because of this, Absalom was permitted to return but the King refused to see him personally. Part II Essay: Samuel The book of Samuel is found in the Old Testament who is characterized as a prophet, a judge as well as a political leader. In the beginning of the story, the birth of Samuel is mentioned. Samuel’s mother Hannah is described as a sterile woman who is desperately wanting to have a son. Hannah prayed with all her heart to have a son. God heard her prayers. After Hannah gave birth to Samuel and was weaned off breast-feeding, his mother took Samuel before the priest Eli. At an early age, Samuel started to care for the altar of God with his mentor Eli. His mother would always visit him while Samuel was serving God. One night, God called on Samuel so he can deliver the message of God declaring Samuel the prophet of God. Samuel dedicated himself on how to pronounce every word that God would want to say to the people. Because of this, Samuel was known to the people of Israel as the prophet of the almighty God. Samuel was a judge who leaded the people of Israel. This is described in detail when the fall of Shiloh occurred and the ark of the covenant disappeared. The Philistines had taken the ark which was very powerful causing plagues and curses to wherever it was taken. The Philistines decided to return the ark to Israel but when it was delivered to Israel, the calamites continued to occur. The ark remained in Israel for 20 years until King David established the capital of Jerusalem and moved the ark to this area. It was now that Samuel invoked the people and ordered them to abandon pagan cults and idolizing statues. When the Philistines saw, them gathered, they decided to attack the Israelites. Samuel takes the command of a judge and orders the Israelites to counter-attack and make sacrifice offerings to Yahweh to be victorious in this conflict. The defeat of the Philistines was so devastating that they never attacked again during the reign of Samuel. Samuel continued to play the role of judge and priest where he anointed the future kings of the people. The anointing represents a ruler whom was chosen directly from God to lead and serve the people. As Samuel got older, he taught his children to be judges of Israel,