I will start with the cultural relativism theory, to understand different cultures, There is a need to know that one community’s beliefs and practices are not usually the same as the other community. In fact, cultural relativism seems the most applicable approach to be taken on for communications purposes. When we visit another country, we need to keep in mind that there are different cultures and tradition. Some of the behaviors that we are accustomed may be accepted in our country. On the other side, some of these behaviors may not be acceptable in other places. For this reason, it is very important to be familiar with each culture and tradition before visiting because it can definitely help prevent any uncomfortable result from our actions. Cultural relativism is quite important for the reason that this will help you understand that other societies have different cultures and beliefs. …show more content…
Like Raping, murdering, child abuse and theft … these all would become legally viable actions to take because that society defined them as being fine to