Samuel Bellamy was born in Devon, England in 1689. He joined the Royal England Navy when he was a child. Samuel left the navy and became a pirate in the Carribean. He eventually joined a larger crew and became the captain of the ship. Bellamy captured a plentiful amount of ships when he was captain. People knew Bellamy for being compassionate to the people he was plundering. For example, Bellamy captured the Whydah Gally, a pristine slave ship on its maiden voyage that was full with gold, rum, and other spices. The captain of the Whydah agreed to trade Bellamy’s lesser ship for the Whydah if Bellamy spare the captains life. …show more content…
Evidence for this comes from his sympathy for his prisoners. He did not kill the people he stole from. Instead, he was a freedom fighter. He fought the colonial privatization of the seas.
Samuel Bellamy was a royal navy sailor. Eventually he became a pirate. He competed for his spot on the top ship by ship. He pirated ships with famous pirates and stole a vast amounts of gold, rum, and other spices. Despite this, he was a humane person who had sympathy for the captains and crew that he