In the year 1206 Francis went to a bishop because his father wanted the money, in which Francis was accused of stealing, back. The bishop said that he wanted Francis to pay his father back the money even if he did not steal the money in the first place, in order for Francis to do good deeds. Francis striped himself completely naked, walked over to his father, and returned to him all of the clothing that his father had provided for him. Francis later says, "I no longer think of you as my father but only of our Father who is in heaven." You could tell that the Bishop/Pastor approved of this because he took of his cloak (or one of his garments), and covered Francis with it. Francis moved to the outskirts of town where the poor, and sick people live. Saint Francis tried living pleasing to the spirit and not to the flesh. Francis knew that living by the flesh would make him more human like, but he wanted to live a life pleasing to God so he would be nice to the spirit and would punish the flesh. The flesh does not only include lustful thought and action, but it includes all of the senses. Francis would put ashes in his food so he would not enjoy the food he was eating because if he did not that would have been giving pleasure to the flesh. One of the times when Francis had a lustful thought he stripped himself naked and jumped into a pile of snow, and he said that he never had …show more content…
Why do people worship Saint Francis when he would practice self-harm, and possibly and eating disorder too. If someone of his importance would be harming themselves and other things that Francis has done People would not be following him. I am going to explain the possible eating disorder, if you would look up the definition of an eating disorder it says "any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits," Francis's abnormal/disturbed habit was putting ashes in his food so it would not be pleasing to him. People would probably send him to places where they monitor people with mental