Health hazard is a hazard which can lead to incidents such as long time and short time illness. An example of a health hazard in a health and social care setting will be if you ate the wrong food which you were not supposed to take and had food poisoning or if you took the wrong medication.
Safety hazards is a hazard which can cause injury, illness and death. An example of a safety hazard in a health and social setting will be if there was slippery surfaces wet or dusty surfaces and you walked pass this can lead to having minor injuries such as cuts to major injuries such as broken bones, …show more content…
Food hygiene must be reliable in a care environment this is because older people and babies are at a risk of serious, and often deadly , complications if they contract food borne infection, such as ,salmonella, clostridium difficile and E coli.
MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) is a type of bacterial infection that is resistant to a number of widely used antibiotics. This means it can be more difficult to treat than other bacterial infections. MRSA is usually connected with patients in hospitals and can also be discovered in the throat or nose or even in the skin of individuals in the community. It is not compulsory to treat MRSA organism. The organism staphylococcus aureusis discovered on many individuals skin and does not often cause major problems. Individuals who carry MRSA are often very health are classed to be simply carriers of the organism. Individuals can turn out to be carriers of MRSA by direct contact with organism. if the bacteria are on the skin then they can spread around by touching. Whereas if the organism is trapped inside the nose or the lungs it may be carried on by droplet spread, by breathing or coughing over someone. For instance if the MRSA travels its way inside the body the blood stream through the wound or into the lungs. This can cause serious infections such as Osteomyelitis which is an infection of a bone. …show more content…
Regardless of large improvement in the quality of health and social care as a consequence of regular inspections, there are still problems with staff turnover and when there are short of staffs. This can affect to staff rushing their work off and not being able to follow the procedures properly, therefore this can lead to the increase of injuries and accidents.
Pay rates for early year workers , health and social care assistants remain short, with workers often only paid the minimum wage, or just slightly above. While many other staff work to high standards regardless of the low wages. Others may feel degraded in this case this can make them feel less likely to obey policies and procedures designed to keep them and those they care for, protection.
Short of staff can outcome in staff being likely to work overtime. Care work is physically and mentally is difficult, too much overtime is possibly to result in staff being unable to perform to the best of their ability. Tired staff members are more likely to make