Volkswagen has been producing some of Europe’s most popular cars since the 1940s. Originally founded in 1937 with the aim of producing the first affordable cars (hence its name, “People’s Car”), Volkswagen began the mass production of the Beetle following the end of the Second World War. The Beetle became increasingly popular between 1945 and 1955, with production numbers reaching one million. The car stayed a household favourite throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s thanks to its practical, reliable nature and low running costs. By 1972 Volkswagen had sold over 15 million units, putting it ahead of the Ford Model T.
In 1964, Volkswagen purchased Auto Union, followed by the purchase of the NSU in 1969. The additional expertise …show more content…
Chinese are the largest buyer in their automotive industry. In China, Volkswagen receives the largest market with a 20% market of Audi and Volkswagen vehicles. This results in Volkswagen to joint venture with China's automotive industries with an investment of 100 million Euros. This investment in turn increases the stability of Volkswagen in the automotive industry meanwhile strengthen its position as the third largest automotive industry in the world.
SWOT: Internal Analysis
(W1) Volkswagen suffered a weak position in the U.S.A passenger automotive market. It has only 5% market share. In other words, competitors already established and secured themselves in the United States market except for Volkswagen itself. It is also a difficult situation for Volkswagen to enter the U.S.A automotive market from the threats of the second largest automotive market in U.S.A that is American General Motors manufacturing Chevrolet cars.
(W2) Volkswagen opposes 2 vital climate policies whereby most cars are not environmental friendly. The collaboration of Porsche, Bugatti and Lamborghini sport cars highly emits carbon dioxides and always fuel inefficient. However, as globalization increases, competitors are actively inventing and producing cars with an eco-friendly …show more content…
With Volkswagen R&D innovations in creating an eco-friendly and hybrid car in their years of research would be able to grab this opportunity and able to strive through the immense market. Volkswagen group see its future in manufacturing eco-friendly hybrid cars which emits lesser carbon dioxide gases and focuses their cars to be more fuel saving as compared to the other cars.
(O2) Implement continuous innovations in cars to stand competition. Volkswagen takes the lead in innovative drive technologies field. With the continuous innovations, quality and productivity can be improved. Volkswagen takes the lead to satisfied customer’s favours.
(O2) Creation of vehicles using alternative energy. As global warming is on the rise with the increased emission of carbon monoxide, engineers must come up with innovative ideas to create vehicles that uses alternative energy such as solar energy, air, water and wind. Volkswagen can use this global crisis as an opportunity to create Eco-green vehicles. creates zero emission reduce the usage of fossil