Rule Of St. Benedict Essay

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St Benedict was a wise man. In 530BCE, Benedict wrote a Rule for monks living communally under the authority of an Abbott. Years past and people took notice of his Rule. Today, Benedict's Rule is being followed by Christians all over the world. But how is his Rule a guide for Christian living? Benedict was a devoted role model in faith and a community leader who was ambitious to help people search for God. He taught Christians to be willing to sacrifice everything for God. The Rule of St Benedict contains seventy-three chapters and a prologue. Among the chapters are key values, one of them includes hospitality.

St Benedict was a role model in faith. When Benedict was young, he was an excellent student and loved learning about God. Once he finished school, he went to a university in Rome. He did not like it there, so he decided to moved to Subiaco to look for
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One of these values is Hospitality. Hospitality is the quality of welcoming guests, visitors or strangers in a friendly and generous way. This means when you meet someone, greet them with a smile and don't be disrespectful or rude. In Chapter 53 of The Rule of St Benedict, Benedict wanted to ask in true Benedictine Hospitality that “All guests who arrive should be received as Christ.” Hospitality is a value that guides someone in Christian living because it teaches Christians to be a loving and respectful person. Benedict was a man of Hospitality because he welcomed people in his community no matter who they were or what they looked like. He showed them admiration and taught them to be just like the leader and role model he …show more content…
It taught Christians to be a role model in faith, an ambitious leader and a person of hospitality. Not only is it a guide for Christian living, but a guide to be more like St Benedict. A wise man, who achieved a lot in

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