Regulatory agencies, for example, BON report to one of the accompanying:1) the state 's representative, 2) both the senator and state agency (for example, the Department of Health, in Washington state), 3) a state office or 4) another state authority or association. Exactly who directs a regulatory agency is characterized by that organization 's standing rules. These standing rules additionally condense the obligations and forces of that specific office. On account of a BON, these comprise of 1) upholding the …show more content…
Florence Nightingale is potentially the most celebrated and perceived for changing nursing from trained home consideration of the ill patient to a regarded calling. Florence Nightingale was a pioneer for human backing. In spite of the fact that Nightingale did not particularly characterize promotion in nursing, she composed letters of correspondence, government reports and books that depict occasions of her backing. She trusted that all individuals merited the same open doors regardless of what religion, sex or ethnicity; she was a solid advocate for equivalent human rights. Florence Nightingale supported for nursing by making benchmarks of consideration and instructing attendants to enhance medicinal services for patients. She gathered data and utilized insights while administering to patients to advance their