It is the American Revolution, Britain is fighting over America with the colonists and they think their man power and money will win. Approximately on the twelfth of January in 1780 Abigail Adams writes to her son John Quincy Adams. He, at the moment, is traveling with his dad, the future president John Adams. In this great letter Adams asserts courage to her son through allusion of others adventures for him to create a well developed future. The letter by Abigail Adams she forecasts her son will have a beneficial trip and this will cause him to have a powerful future.…
The essay, “Long-Legged Yankee Lies” was a surprising essay – not what I expected to read after reading James M. McPherson’s other works. The focus of this essay was to thoroughly explain one of the main interpretations of the Civil War – the “South’s Lost Cause.” The Lost Cause, as the Southerners perceived themselves after the Civil War, is explained in that the South was incredibly outnumbered by the North in both men and resources. The South perceived themselves as righteous men who fought for state’s rights, freedoms granted by the Constitution that cannot legally be infringed upon by the government, and the approval of the people with actions taken against them by their government.…
The Gettysburg campaign (several related operations aimed at subduing the Union) was the Confederacy’s last ditch attempt to turn the war in their favor. Although the history books now tell us that Lee’s army failed and were forced from the deep North never to return that far ever again (Doc A), we lest not forget an alternative scenario in which Lee’s army won. Had this scenario occurred, then the North would be on the ropes, as the Confederacy would not cease to capture everything that belonged to the North. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the superior tactics of General Meade’s Army, the contributions of President Lincoln cannot be overlooked. With a newfound strategy in place called the Anaconda Plan, the North hoped to suffocate (thus the plan’s name) the Confederacy.…
The Civil War was a devastating war that wiped out much of America’s population. The book written by James M. McPherson, What They Fought For 1861-1865, describes the views of the soldiers that fought in the war. McPherson uses letters left behind written by different civil war soldiers to portray a more round view of actions that took place on the battlegrounds. McPherson’s thesis does not present from both sides of the war what the soldiers, volunteers and enlisted men, of the Civil War had to faced, how they dealt with their emotions and experiences, the bond made between comrades, and how it affect their overall psychological, physical, and mental well-being of each combatant. This book contains diary entries from Union soldiers that were from the northern states.…
In Apostles of Disunion, Charles Dew discusses how he originally thought that states’ rights were the predominant reason that the Civil War occurred. This point of view stemmed from his readings as a boy and his ancestor’s experiences with the war. The central idea behind the authors writing of the book is his analysis of the letters and speeches that the secession commissioners wrote, in which he sought the reasons other than states’ rights to their secession from the Union. Correspondingly, he argues for the centrality of race and slavery as the reasons for the South’s secession. What’s more, is the reasoning behind why the author is writing this book and his projected achievements from doing so.…
He used a claim and a reason in almost every paragraph. The reason in most of them was that Americans need to support the war in order to protect their freedom. Paragraph 23 was a prime example of logos. He talked about how Americans have always helped out in the previous wars and how the Americans will never give up their fight for freedom. In paragraph 33, he says “Not only will we fight for democracy, we will make it more worth fighting for…we will work for the good of mankind…so that all may have plenty and security.”…
Mitch Landrieu, the Mayor of New Orleans gave a speech on May 19, 2017 to the people of New Orleans concerning the removal of a multiple monuments, including one of Robert E. Lee. The Robert E. Lee monument was built in 1884, which symbolized the confederacy and resistance during the Civil War. Mitch Landrieu uses many different rhetorical strategies in his speech to convey his message of why the monuments should be removed. Landrieu relies on three main appeals to draw the audience's attention, Landrieu continually uses pathos, logos, and ethos to convince his audience that the monuments should be removed. Robert E. Lee was general of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.…
It was May 22, 1864. I crouched behind the large tree that overlooked the battlefield down the hill, and my mind raced in disbelief. Cool and soft breezes brushed over me. My eyes studied my surroundings, looking for men in blue. With each breeze, my mind heard musket fire and the marching of my enemies.…
On July 3rd, the Union won a battle that could possibly be the turning point in the war. The Battle of Gettysburg was a three day long battle was fought bravely throughout by the Union and was brilliantly commanded by General George Meade. Confederate General, Robert E. Lee, failed his second invasion of the North, and he had to retreat back to Virginia after the devastating loss. After Lee’s victory at Chancellorsville, Virginia, Lee looked to attempt a second invasion of the North.…
When studied carefully, the historical significance of these two documents become very clear. From the significance of the cornerstone speech to the south and their movement at the time, to the significant differing views the north and south had of then president Abraham Lincoln. These documents help provide, at least, a glimpse of some of the issues that were forefront before, during and after the civil war. It is therefore important to be aware of some of the implications of these documents and the effects they might have had at the time. Beginning with Alexander H Stephens’ cornerstone speech, we are able to gain some type of understanding of his thinking and ultimately the reasoning for his support for the secession of the southern…
What led to the American Civil War is a topic of debate which lacks a simple answer. There is heated debate whether the war was fought for emancipation or to preserve the Union. Historians can advocate for either argument since both sides have ample evidence to support their respective standpoint. Both Hollywood and scholarship agree that the Civil War is a war to preserve the Union. While the issue of slavery was a massive factor in the war, it was not the defining factor.…
“Lost Cause” advocates in the South, despite saying otherwise, promoted a political message about the Confederacy because “Lost Cause” advocates tried to portray a glorified image of the Confederacy to all people to ensure that the causes fought for in the Civil War remained supported. The “Lost Cause” of the South was limited because the movement appeared elitist to many people. The main influence of the “Lost Cause” was that it ensured racist sentiments towards African Americans would continue in the South and slavery would continue to be viewed as a positive good. “Lost Cause” advocates in the South promoted a political message about the Confederacy by painting a glorified image of the Confederacy to many Americans in an attempt to keep…
This also promotes the reader to support the cause because it shows that supporting the cause of freedom is truly patriotic. Using strong metaphors he can create understanding by providing picture like examples of where fierce patriotism can take the reader. The power behind this is that the already passionate and patriotic reader is emotionally stirred on more with “with this faith we will be to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope,” reassuring that if the reader works hard they will assist in giving fair rights to all americans (King). In all this reading drives the reader emotionally to take action even after the initial cause has passed, this…
His tone in the speech is very different from his first, as it is depressed and passive. He seems very tired, which is shown by this speech being much shorter than his first inaugural address. His purpose is to reflect upon the Civil War as it comes to an end and to encourage the reconciliation of the north and south. Both his tone and purpose are shown through the last sentence of his speech when he says, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” This shows his passive tone because he is choosing to ignore everything that the south has done and move on to healing the country and it shows his depressing tone by his use of phrases such as “bind up the nation’s wounds” and “care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan.”…
They fought for the future of American Society and to reunite the Union to save the United States from crumbling from the inside. By using the two men to symbolize the contrasting sides, Catton effectively reveals the contrasting values that lead to the commencement of the Civil War. While both men symbolizing differing values, Catton is able to use symbolism to also compare the two generals. Near the end of the essay, Catton claims, “Two great Americans… yet under everything very much alike (p12).” He relates the two men by claiming that they are both “great Americans” that both represent the “great virtue of utter tenacity (p10).”…