1. Guinea worm disease is likely to become the first parasitic disease to be globally eradicated. 2. A female Guinea Worm can grow up to three feet! 3.…
3. The earthworm has a segmented body with a mouth at the anterior end and an anus at the posterior end. It has a smooth, purple dorsal side and a rough, yellow ventral side with setae. Two sperm grooves run along the body from segment 15 (where sperm ducts are also located) to the clitellum, which looks like a tube surrounding the earthworm’s body and is closer to the anterior end. 4.…
Impetigo is a infection of the skin that can be easily transmitted and it forms crusty sores after the blisters detonate. Both impetigo and scabies, which are easily transmitted skin pathogens, are found in moist or tropical places, comparable to tinea capitis and tinea pedis. The tinea impetigo often forms as pustule, a small pimple-like dot that eventually transforms into a blister and ruptures after that. Symptoms of impetigo and also scabies include blisters, pus-filled sores and in some cases dermatitis. A physician is able to diagnose a person just by looking at their skin, however, some tests such as fungal scraping, to have a deeper understanding of how severe the patient's case it.…
One way could be people putting the worm in their ear while they are sleeping. I think it would have to be premeditated. Two of the people that had this is worm was Nick Garson , and Bernadette Knapp. Both people died, but we don’t know how and the book doesn’t tell us much about them. We do know that Frank Logan, and Professor Mattei they both woke up with an itchy ear. ”…
In maryland, a doctor named Theodore Nash takes on many patients that have tapeworms in their brain. Most of the time tapeworms are found in people’s intestines in their adult stage but before their adult stage they go through a larvae stage. Sometimes the tape worms in their larval stage can get into people’s brains and cause the illness called neurocysticercosis. This illness is easily confused with other brain disorder which has made it hard for doctors to know how many people are affected with neurocysticercosis. At minimum there are 5 million cases of it.…
Much like a virus or malware that takes over the system and eventually kills the computer and you. The immune system cannot defend itself against this multiple thousand year old organism that is very sly much like a ninja so the immune system didn’t know it was coming. Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, which can be as large as chicken eggs, in the groin, armpit, or neck. They may be tender and warm. Others include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches.…
Often there will be red pustules and some crusting of the…
Animals in the phylum Platyhelminthes, widely known as flatworms, were the first to develop bilateral symmetry, triploblasty, and cephalization. Bilateral symmetry means that an animal's left and right side of their body are mirror images of each other. Cephalization is the development of nervous tissues becoming concentrated towards the anterior end of an animal. Triploblasty means that an organism has three tissue layers, an ectoderm (outer layer), mesoderm (middle layer), and an endoderm (inner layer). Flatworms do not have a body cavity which makes them acoelomate.…
Typically, tapeworms can be found in the digestive system of animals and humans. This is because tapeworms have no digestive system of their own. In order to get food, they absorb nutrients through their skin from partially digested food that passes through the digestive tract while securing themselves with hooks or suckers on their heads (“Parasite”). In the digestive tract, tapeworms continue to multiply, as they are self-fertilizing. Each segment of the worm contains both male and female reproductive organs, thus able to produce many eggs (Corney).…
Considering the fact that nail fungus shouldn't be a infrequent ailment, many people have already shriveled it with out them knowing it. Simplest when it has advanced to a later stage do they find out about it and consult with a healthcare professional for Nail Disease Treatment. Diagnosis of Nail Fungus Medical professionals would most often verify their diagnosis with the aid of scraping or clipping the nail. The pattern is then sent to a laboratory for testing and analysis.…
Are you thinking right now that ringworm is a scary, creepy-crawly invasion of critters on your body? Luckily this common thought is not the case. Understandably, many people mistake ringworm to be a parasitic worm infection due to the descriptive common name for this fungal infection. The good news is that this infection is not caused by worms. If it’s not a worm, however... what exactly is it?…
Specialists, for the most part, can analyse ringworm in light of what it would appear that, yet once in a while will rub off a little example of the flaky contaminated skin to test for growth. In the event that your children have ringworm, your specialist may prescribe an antifungal medicine. An over-the-counter antifungal cream, balm, or powder, and so forth are the standard treatment for ringworm, aside from tinea capitis, which is considerably harder to treat and regularly requires a while of an oral drug. A topical salve or cream, for the most part, deals with skin diseases; however ringworm of the scalp or nails requires oral antifungal pharmaceutical.…
The expert dog groomers at The Groomery located in North Carolina are passionate about your furry companion's health and well being. When it comes to heart worm disease, these caring pet groomers want you to understand how devastating this disease can be for your dog or cat and how prevention can greatly reduce your their risk for contracting this potentially fatal disease. Heart worm disease is caused by foot long worms that live in the heart, lungs and blood vessels. Your pet could easily contract the disease from a mosquito carrying heartworm larvae. If left untreated, heart worms can cause serious health issues and may lead to death.…
When it comes to your beloved dog, it’s important to maintain their overall health. That’s where the experienced local vets at Pawsitive Pet Care Clinic come in. Based in Flatwoods, KY, they specialize in being the area’s best pet clinic with unparalleled preventative care options. As compassionate vets, they often stress the importance of heartworm medicine to their clients. Heartworm disease is transmitted to dogs through mosquitoes.…
Soil preference of the Red Compost Worms, Eisenia fetida INTRODUCTION Earthworms provide countless benefits to humans, plants and animals, by improving drainage, advancing nutrient accessibility, and providing a steady soil system, helping to develop farm production. They benefit the soil ecosystem by decomposing and recycling organic matter, opening up pores inside the soil to develop its formation and supplying food for predators . By adding nutrients to the soil they inhabit, earthworms are constantly working to keep soil healthy in order for plants to grow well in it .…