No one is righteous, not even the Jews, because everyone has sinned and will be held accountable when the day comes. Since no one is righteous we have all fallen short of the glory of God, but have been made righteous through Him. In chapter 4 Abraham was brought …show more content…
It gives a lot of insight on how we are actually supposed to live and act and it is also more straightforward. I mean how are you supposed to live a righteous life if you are never given an example to go by? The book literally tells you what is righteous and what is not. Righteousness doesn’t happen overnight, but instead over time as sanctification is also happening.
Though it may be insane to think about being a slave to righteousness, it almost makes perfect sense. If you are willing to be a slave to anything there is an immense amount of love and faith behind the commitment. It is also a reassurance to see that God’s love is still a major theme. That it literally will never leave us and is always there. Though it can be difficult to love others there is a reason to do it because God loves them.They are His people just as much as you are. Overall I enjoyed reading the book again because it reminded me of things I had