2013. It is likely that the intended audience was originally for the ethics board and teachers at the University. This was likely his target audience considering he clearly states that “those of us who are teachers – and all of us are teachers of our own children at least – have a special opportunity to introduce heroes to those we teach” (2). I believe he wanted to reach a much broader audience. He clearly believes that it is the duty of anyone who is in the role of a teacher to properly help guide their students. As I read his essay, I was truly convinced that I have a unique opportunity as a parent to help guide my …show more content…
“It’s our job to tell the stories” (1) It is such a simple statement, yet he is able to truly persuade me in how simple of an action it is to help positively influence our kids. He argues that the possibilities are endless if we have the aspirations of having a positive hero. A positive hero would have qualities such as “courage, honor, and justice” (1). He suggests that by having such heroes can “really expand on our sense of possibility” (3). I imagine that by him telling us it’s as simple as us telling the stories of the true heroes of our time, it would elicit an urgent response from the reader to want to take action right away. Hearing about such a major problem, when there is such a simple start of a solution should encourage anyone who reads his article to “just tell the stories”