Postmodern Epistemology In Tuttle's Dragnet-Style

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Tuttle spends most of his article trying to influence his readers to believe that the students of Jefferson County Colorado were in the wrong. Tuttle ignores the real problem and instead puts his energy toward persuading the reader that his opinion on the protest is correct. In order to sway his reader into agreeing with him, Tuttle uses a great deal of rhetoric in his writing. With this understanding,one can assume that the epistemology of this text is post modernistic. According to Quatz the postmodern epistemology believes that knowledge is what we are able to convince others of. Knowledge cannot be obtained, we can only convince other of our claims.
The text is a Postmodernistic type of epistemology because the author uses rhetoric to convince us of his claim. Tuttle sets up the teenagers in the article as rebels and delinquents. He uses the widely perceived “lazy teenager” narrative to try and turn the reader against the students. Tuttle starts off his argument by insulting the students by calling them “sign-waving baby barbarians.” He is appealing to those who have the preconceived notion that that teenagers are a problem. Tuttle then states, “Lets start with the obvious: Many of the students protesting are not interested in the subject of AP.U.S Hisorty…So a whole bunch of students-most obviously those middle school students…are simply cutting class.” Tuttle does not want the reader understand the students point of view but since her does not have a solid argument against them he resorts to mocking them. When Tuttle says “Teenagers who think rebellion is cool? I’m shocked,” he is making fun of not just the students from this school but teenagers everywhere. Tuttle also offers no real solution to the problem. He suggests, “Maybe students could spend time in a country without the rule of law. How about North Korea? Maybe they could take a semester abroad somewhere with no “respect for individual rights.” How about Syria?” With his uses of sarcasm throughout the piece Tuttle makes it clear that he is not a fan of teenagers or their effort to speak out for something they care about. In the article “Go Back to Class” The school in Jefferson county Colorado had prosed a plan to Change the AP U.S. History curriculum. The school board wanted to make a curriculum that emphasized “positive aspects of American history, those that promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights.” The teachers an students are protesting against this change. Since Tuttle I arguing against the students one can infer the he is on the school board’s side. With this understanding it is reasonable to believe that the education philosophy of the author Is essentialism. The educational philosophy of essentialism believes in accepting new knowledge and not being surprised by it. They believe that knowledge comes from common sense. In essentialism knowledge is tested. The goal of education in essentialism is to build around people getting ready to take their place in the completive world. They aim to train people for jobs.
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First Tuttle is against the students questioning what they are learning. In his argument Tuttle states, “Its not inappropriate to ask what stories are being taught. But these pretend that what they want is a Dragnet-style, just-the-facts-ma’am historical education.” He says that it’s okay for the students to question their education but then he turns around and insults them. Tuttle also says that the protest is a waste of valuable class time. If Tuttle really agreed with the notion of questioning the material that being taught then he wouldn’t call the protest a waist of time. Tuttle states that the schools reform to change the AP U.S. History curriculum is “well advised.” Tuttle is against the students. He is for the Collage Broad’s proposal that advises against materials that “encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard for the law.” He doesn’t think the students should know the whole truth about history. Also he thinks that the student should only learn the basis, the “essential” parts of history. This is an essentialist belief. Essentialists do not want people asking questions. They wan the student to learn the information they give

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