Rhetorical Analysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail

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In the early 1960’s Martin Luther King Jr was confined in the Birmingham, Alabama prison cell along with almost 50 other civil rights activists and leaders. While King was restricted in his prison cell he wrote a letter in response to “A Call for Unity”, shaped by eight clergymen disapproving King’s demonstrations. The letter that King wrote in response to the clergymen changed the way religious leaders and other individuals in society view civil rights, without discrimination or repression. One of the largest reasons behind King’s letter being successful is the persuasive use of pathos. The appeal to pathos throughout the letter does not only support King’s claims but also makes the response to “The Call for Unity” purely indisputable. The use of rhetorical appeals is used far and wide in King’s letter, with the use of pathos being used rather heavily. As King responds to the eight clergymen’s letter his goal is to have them view how underprivileged black citizens are treated. In “The Call for Unity” the clergymen voice that the best decision for King is to be patient and hold back on any direct action, allowing the courts to handle the situation of segregation. King recognizes that justice that is delayed is essentially justice denied so …show more content…
King says, “I doubt that you would have so warmly commended the police force if you had seen its dogs sinking their teeth into unarmed nonviolent Negroes.” (King, 234). This example allows the clergymen to see that the acts in Birmingham are indeed violent and not by King and his followers but by the leaders of the community such as the law enforcement. The statement gives other individuals outside of the community to connect emotionally and assist with the efforts of ending

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