By using specific examples to how the audience can create a road for reform, King allows the audience to be proactive while partaking in his speech. By doing this the audience remains more emotionally invested into what King is saying. He also provides ways for the audience to understand why he is qualified to speak to them. This allows the audience to open up to King and understand where he is coming from. Throughout King’s speech he remains humble and well grounded. He never puts himself above the audience, instead, he makes himself part of the audience. Martin Luther King Jr. paved the road for many victories for the African-American community. Such as, ending the legal segregation of, as well as, gaining the African-American right to vote. After delivering this speech, the next day, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. To this day, King is credited as one of the greatest African-American leaders of his
By using specific examples to how the audience can create a road for reform, King allows the audience to be proactive while partaking in his speech. By doing this the audience remains more emotionally invested into what King is saying. He also provides ways for the audience to understand why he is qualified to speak to them. This allows the audience to open up to King and understand where he is coming from. Throughout King’s speech he remains humble and well grounded. He never puts himself above the audience, instead, he makes himself part of the audience. Martin Luther King Jr. paved the road for many victories for the African-American community. Such as, ending the legal segregation of, as well as, gaining the African-American right to vote. After delivering this speech, the next day, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. To this day, King is credited as one of the greatest African-American leaders of his