According to polls from Huffington Post on Apr. 3, 45 percent of Republicans favor Trump. With blatant statements for everything ranging from women to war, the real estate tycoon dominates over the presidential election despite being the most unqualified candidate due to his political career, or lack thereof. However, the overwhelming preference for him is distressing because he built his rhetoric on bigotry and a shaky involvement with politics. With the possibility of President Trump becoming increasingly realistic, all of the candidates, especially Trump, seem to be realizing the importance of media popularity, seen by how they all campaign with distasteful methods by playing to fads.
Moreover, the theatrical nature of this election cycle takes away from their …show more content…
Frequently, Trump personally attacks fellow candidates on issues that are completely irrelevant to the debate, such as Marco Rubio’s height. Consequently, Trump’s antics and his opponents’ reactions make the Republican debates memorable, reducing the amount of time and media coverage that could have been used to discuss serious issues plaguing our nation, such as poverty and gender inequality. The political debates are platforms in which citizens can decide which candidate’s policies they prefer, however, people derive entertainment from them, shown by how people make jokes about the debates such as #Trumpface, comparing Trump’s facial expressions to emojis, which trended on Twitter, rather than information pertaining to the stances presented. Aforementioned, Trump received more coverage, especially evening news weighing in with 54 percent of the coverage from ABC, NBC, and FOX, than any other candidate. The lack of reportage of the alternative contenders mostly affects the majority of younger voters who are Democratic or independent. To