First, I will start the essay by describing how memory is used as rhetoric to shape day-to-day decisions. Then, I use Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and what he stood for as a parallel for my personal experience and provided evidence. Finally, I will bring up the idea of forgotten memory and how it affects society.
To begin, memory restricts itself by not giving one the incite needed to come up with an answer to a proposed problem or situation. All one has is the memory they want and from then use your own intuitions to decipher a hypothesis of the situation. Here is where rhetoric is used when gaining knowledge from memory. Rhetoric speech is more than a way a politician will speak to persuade one to agree with them, it is a form of argumentative writing that uses three different styles that appeal to the reader or listener, thus winning their favor. Logos is the first type of style that uses logic in its arguments. Logos tries to persuade the reader by stating facts, data, and sets up its arguments where it moves from one point to the next, in logical order. Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader. …show more content…
Society has recently begun to either forget memory or it could just be plain old ignorance because with the new presidential administration came a rise in hate crime, xenophobia, sexism, racism, and the list goes on. -Isms are becoming more prominent, more out in the open, and almost accepted by a few and it’s due to the fact that a part of society has forgotten the people who have fought with their lives on the line to gain rights for every man, woman, and child. Forgetting the past and why people fought for their rights can and has caused a repeat of prior circumstances. Dr. King fought against racism and made huge advancements for the betterment of society, but from protests I’ve been to and people I have met, I can see the ideals and rights Dr. King stood for are being trampled on by the people of this great melting pot of a country, America. I have friends from all ages, race, and walks of life who have expressed their feelings to me and they feel fearful for their life and the lives of their families. The fact people are fearing for their lives because of the color of their skin, place of origin, or even religion just goes to show how real the situation of forgetting memories of whom have fought so hard for the rights of all. Memory would have dictated that violating rights of people to be wrong and would have