The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783, and the battle of Saratoga took place in 1777-1778. Through the War England had gained control of New Port, Rhode Island, much of candy, and parts of New York. The British navy had access to many of the rivers within the United States which gave them the opportunity to attack many of the major cities within the colonies, within the eastern seaboard. The brits wanted to control New England and separate from the other colonies since it was one of the areas in which the rebellion had much support, but they encountered resistance. General John Burgoyne’s and General William Howe had decided to meet at the Hudson River then they would continue to Albany where they would set up quarters to rest and face the brutal winter. There they would also set communication lines with New York City, which was under British control as well, as Boston. Burgoyne’s forces would be marching south from Canada after a devastating loss of lives during the retaking of For Ticonderoga. The forces lead by Howe would be coming from New York, this strategy would lead the rebels to believe that they were being attacked from both the north, Burgoyne, and the south, Howe. The American rebels would have to divide to battle both of the forces. The division would weaken the army facing Burgoyne which would result in another British victory. However, Howe decided that instead of moving his troops to the Hudson River hew would confront Washington’s army near the Chesapeake Bay. Washington could have retaken the city of New York so Howe wanted to draw him into battle by attacking Philadelphia. Due to this decisions, Burgoyne’s army was exposed near Saratoga New York. Udder this circumstance, on September 19, general …show more content…
The rebel soldiers in Saratoga where hidden by the scenery, they shot their rifles through the cover provided by the woods. The center columns encountered Colonel Daniel Morgan, a rifleman, sharpshooter, of the American forces around noon that day. The sharp shooters like Morgan, know the terrain very well compared to their counterparts in the British army, and they also have the advantage of Technogym. Their genes are lighter and have longer barrels, firing a 50 caliber shot. These guns were based on German hunting rifles but with an American twist. The guns had rigs throughout the inside of the barrel which allowed the bullet to be spun. This stabilized it and gave deadly accuracy, allowing the riflemen to hit a target 250 yards away, which was twice the range of the English