This reaction paper explains “Revitalization movements” by referencing to ideas presented in the book–– Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction and an article published in American Anthropologist. Revitalization movements can be described as “deliberate, organized attempts made by some members of a society to construct a more satisfying culture by rapid acceptance of a pattern of multiple innovations” (Wallace 1970: 188). I found this topic intriguing because it made me ponder that why is it so important for people to have a religion that explains everything in their society. It made me wonder that instead of abandoning their religion, people accept and cause small changes to it so that it best fits their life.
Summary of book
The book begins by speculating that major religions appeared as revitalization movements in various ways. The book posits that a prophet often tries to find a better answer to people’s everyday problems and gains the support of masses; these supporters are crucial to institutionalization of the movement. The book …show more content…
Po’pay proclaimed that he received a revelation from three spirits who could emit fire from their fingertips. They instructed Po’pay to preach the message nativism and revivalism to the people of Pueblo. They wanted them to give up all the influences of western world and live as they did prior to Spanish colonization. Po’pay conveyed his message to various leaders of communities of northern New Mexico, thus generating widespread support for a rebellion against the Spanish. The emissaries of Po’pay preached his message village to village, coordinating the uprising. On August 10, 1680 Pueblo warriors executed more than 400 Franciscan priests and Hispanic settlers and seized the colonial capital of Santa Fe. The surviving colonists fled and Pueblos lived 12 years without Spanish