In order to identify if the topic can be used for research, we have to be sure that the participants are willing to contribute to the study. …show more content…
Through qualitative research, it helps understand social and human problems based on various methodological traditions. The qualitative research is an exploratory process, as we could not find much previous research that has been done about the topic. A literature is helpful in figuring out who studied or wrote about the topic before, which helps “frame” the problem in the introduction to the study. As for the quantitative research, it is used when the audiences or readers have quantitative orientations. Besides, it also helps figure out an orientation for the research questions and hypothesis. The author stated out that either qualitative or quantitative method will be used in a mixed methods study, as it is based on the type of mixed method being used. In the reading, the author listed the steps in conducting a literature …show more content…
First, researchers should start off by determining the helpful key words as it may appear when identifying a topic. Second, began to start researching in the library using those key words, as most libraries have computer system that guides the researching process. Third, the author suggests the readers to find about fifty articles or books that are related to topic and prioritize them. Forth, make a copy of the articles that are important and related to the topic. Fifth, began to create a literature map, which helps display a visual image of the research literature of the topic. Sixth, try to compose the literature into the literature map. Lastly, gather up the literature and finalize the main