Research Paper On Pneumonia

Improved Essays
Pneumonia Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs which can result from infection with

either bacteria or viruses. Healthy people can resist pneumonia, but for those who have

weak immune systems due to influenza or respiratory illness the bacteria can easily grow

in their lungs. Pneumonia is set to be the 8th leading cause of death in the United States

especially to children who are five years old or less. About 23.7 per 100.000 people died

because of pneumonia (1). Thus, people should have an awareness about how to find out

and treat pneumonia carefully. Early discovering of pneumonia may play a huge role in

the treatment plan. The medical history of the patient, physical examinations, and

applying certain tests can lead to
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Moreover, it should be know if a patient has any type of allergies such as animal allergies. For example, if a patient exposures to birds or bats to which has allergy, he may develop pneumonia as a result. Therefore, a patient should be more accurate about his personal and medical history to help knowing if he is infected by pneumonia (2).

In addition to the medical history, a patient has to undergo some physical examinations. This procedure will be more efficient by using the stethoscope which helps to explain the reasons behind the sounds that appear in the chest. These sounds which suggest pneumonia are rales, rhonchi, and dull thud. Rales, crackling sound, indicates clearly that a patient is developing pneumonia. The second type of sounds is rhonchi which means that the large airways of the respiratory system are filled with sputum.
Thirdly, the dull thud sounds represent specific conditions that are pointed out pneumonia. These conditions include consolidation in which the lungs are filled up with fluid and pleural effusion which happens when the fluid occupies the space between the lung and the lining around it. Accordingly, since the physical examinations depend on
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After doing the physical examinations, many test are required to make sure that a patient is infected or not. There are different tests that help discovering pneumonia such are blood tests, blood culture, pulse oximetry, urine antigen test. A Blood test gives a good indicator about whether a patient has pneumonia or not by counting the white blood cell number. Secondly, Blood culture should be applied by taking a sample of the patient's blood and analyzing it can lead to know if any foreign objects growing in the blood, so knowing the right antibiotics to get rid of it. Thirdly, pulse oximetry test is a test that checks how much oxygen in the blood in order to find if the patient is ill. Urine antigen test is another test that shows the existence of any bacteria causing pneumonia by analyzing a urine sample. As a consequence, tests are recommended to assist the diagnosis of pneumonia since a lot of information about pneumonia infections are gotten (4). To conclude, A lot of people around the world endure suffering from pneumonia,

and it becomes consequently a worldwide problem. pneumonia is an inflammation of

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