From the Early Renaissance to the culmination of the High Renaissance art goes through a great evolution in techniques and in perception. Light and shadow are more often exemplified within the artworks of this era and it also truly did bring about a realistic depiction of life within art. Along with that there is the great advances in perception due to the popular use of linear perspective, which gave a genuine depth and space to artworks of this time. Due to the great gains and expansions of ideas within art techniques during this time, artist for generations owe a great deal to the many “masters” throughout the Renaissance
From the Early Renaissance to the culmination of the High Renaissance art goes through a great evolution in techniques and in perception. Light and shadow are more often exemplified within the artworks of this era and it also truly did bring about a realistic depiction of life within art. Along with that there is the great advances in perception due to the popular use of linear perspective, which gave a genuine depth and space to artworks of this time. Due to the great gains and expansions of ideas within art techniques during this time, artist for generations owe a great deal to the many “masters” throughout the Renaissance